Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Argghhhh ga ga ga

I’m seriously exhausted…!!!

Been sleeping for 4 hrs + + only (morning 5:15 I think, till morning 9:29, 16th April), and haven’t been sleeping until now, 12:59am 17th April.

Pimples have been popping out freely on my face too. And my eyes are qualified to be registered as the exotic panda eyes already @_@

Not enough of that, E-Nite is this coming Sunday…oh my face *arggghghghghhhhh*

Thesis belum habis lagi, banyak nak tulis tu…adui *pening pala aku* TolongggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggG

Friday, April 13, 2007

Oh oh...

I need to mention this a lil’ bit. Although it might bring up some tension around, esp my friends whom are in the same shoes as me right here right now. Sorry guys! :p

Next week Wednesday, 18th April I’m required to submit my FYP first draft. This first draft carries 50% marks of the 10 credit hours FYP, if I’m not mistaken. Any other correction made after that is of no use, since the final marks will be depending on this first draft, only.

So, come to us, you will see a lot of tensed faces – suddenly become old in just ONE night. 所谓的:“一夜之间变得白发苍苍。”

After this submission, there’ll be FYP presentation a week later, around end of April / early May. Then, racing up from behind are our dear assignments – Opto (30th April) & DSP (3rd May).

Actually, my presentation is on 3rd May. So, by then, if you see me walking like a zombie from one end of the campus at this second to the other end on the next second, please don’t be traumatized; it’s really me.

I seriously enjoy writing this blog than writing my thesis :-$ Sshhhh… In fact, I have more ideas when I’m writing this; while a blank when writing my thesis :-&

Hopefully I can produce my thesis by next Monday, for my supervisor’s approval beforehand. God bless everyone! %%-

P/s: A lot to think about lately, confusing and lost…hope I can make up my mind and find my path soon. After all, decisions made have to be taken full responsibility by myself. Dang it’s hard!

Friday, April 06, 2007

Happy day, I guess

Yesterday morning started out as a blur day.

I was rushing for my OC2 lab session, so I grabbed a piece of bread, my room key and my watch and went out. I was eating my bread while locking my room door. Then, I bent down to take my socks while lifting my left hand to eat my bread. The next thing I know, I was biting my room key +_+

Now, please go burst your stomach elsewhere.

In the lab, we were changing the input voltage, Vin values to obtain the different output voltage, Vout. After setting the Vin, we measured the Vout. But all of a sudden, Sweewon pointed out that we (it’s me -_-) actually didn’t supply the Vin to the system under test. Again, laugh.

Then during the afternoon interview, I told the two interviewers: “I enjoy playing sudoku and minesweeper during my free time bla bla bla…” One of them laughed out.

Hope I brighten your day :)

Sunday, April 01, 2007


An article to share. Read and digest it with your heart. You might gain something ;)

updated:2007-03-29 12:56:12 MYT

面對逆境,我們的大腦無法正常操作,情緒拼命抓狂,企圖嘗試每一樣可能扭轉情勢的 事,弄得心力交瘁,卻釐不清一條出路來。萬念俱灰時,我們最容易發現身邊的人好像生活都順利幸福,相比之下自己分外可憐無奈。有人把矛頭指向老天爺,埋怨 他不公平;同樣是人,為何我的際遇如此不堪?有人將世間所有的人和物視為他跨向成功的假想敵,變得嫉世憤俗,放棄改變,拒絕援手,只會搖頭嘆息:“我鬥不 過命運!”


爸爸出生在中國貧瘠的鄉區,爺爺逝世後家道中落。重男輕女的社會,奶奶把女兒全送人,帶三個兒子找生活。爸爸是長子,奶奶堅持他讀書。家鄉沒有中學,他在 幾十里外的中學寄宿。禍不單行,中三那年,因患嚴重氣管疾病,咳嗽不斷,校方要他自動退學,回家養病。等到病情好轉,已是幾年後的事,無法繼續升學。為了 生計,他湊足盤川,買了最低廉的貨輪票,在底艙像貨物般運到新加坡。換幾次工作,經歷多番折騰,爸爸開始做生意,才改寫他的歷史。


西方諺語說得好:“危機就是轉機。”企業界滿是轉敗為勝的例子。它們面臨市場和財務困境,才研發出新產品或改變管理模式,結果突破重圍,不僅收復失地,更 成功擴展其他領域。沒有危機,我們死守原有的一點成就沾沾自喜,無法把眼光放得更廣更遠。危機出現讓我們意識到想在激烈競爭中脫穎而出,就必須做出改變, 不斷追求進步。


*Credit to

Boh la kang~

Oh happy happy day! :D

You are a :(|)

You are a 3:-O

You are a :@)

You are a ~:>

You are a >-)

I love ~O)

Please don't scold me if you don't know what I'm writing :o3 Coz i don't know as well.