Saturday, April 02, 2005

April Fool's huh??

A so called April Fool’s joke sent to my handphone had actually woke me up from my nap, before my alarm rang *frustrated* What a joke?! I don’t feel funny at all.

I felt tired (body & mind), therefore I sleep to have a clearer mind, so that I can concentrate in my studies. And this sms just happened to spoil everything! My sleep, my mood, my mind…

Happy April Fool’s day?? Really fool! Now that you’ve been succeeded in causing all those fusses, are you happy now? *referring to “my friend”* Although “my friend” might never get the chance to visit my blog, but just wrote this as a channel to release my dissatisfaction.

A prank that can cause the victim to laugh their head off is a good prank. Otherwise, it’s just a fool lame joke. Please don’t torture others with the stupid jokes, instead please keep it to yourself and enjoy yourself.

Everyday can be an April Fool’s day, as long as the timing you choose is appropriate. Never ever pull your friends’ leg when they’re having problems, busy with something important, emotional swings etc. Else, your friend(s) might get irritated and annoyed. Just like in my own case.

Pissed / Peace off! Stay away from me. *Pardon me*

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