Friday, April 15, 2005

Shut up!!

Guys, pls shut up will ya?

Talking non-stop in library is totally disrespectful to the others. Keep on po pek po pek like there’s no tomorrow to talk again. Pls find other places should you really can’t control your mouths, or do sth else to distract yourselves. Chew your books/notes?

Else, I suggest the library management to implement these actions:

Firstly: Setup red spotlights above every seats, which can sense noise, like those lights in the high class residential areas. These spotlights have high electrons emission rates, which might kill some of the talkative cells when being shined upon. And, a hammer-like device will comes down and knock on the head of the noisy mouth. When guards notice certain someone is under the light, they shall come and usher him/her to the library entrance, and kick. Hehe, just kidding! Chase out only. Anyone who offended the red spotlights more than 3 times will be banned from entering the library for 1 month. While regular offenders shall be banned forever!

Secondly: Uses special punishment chairs, which are able to sense noise as well. When somebody is too noisy, the chair will automatically shoot up and the person will fly up, and down. You know, like projectile motion, up and down; may be we should accompany this incident with “Up and Down” from Vengaboys. The person might eventually bang his/her face on the table. Well, this incident is similar to the effects of being kicked by a horse when it does not allow someone to ride on it. Get what I mean? I bet anyone who tried this will never dare to offend the chairs again.

Thirdly: Change all the sign boards in the library from “Silence! & Index finger on mouth” to “Shut up! & show the Universal Recognized Finger” People will only behave when they see vulgar words and signs. They love it!

Meanwhile, when the red spotlights and chairs are punishing the talkative(s), others will be stunned and wouldn’t dare to let out any single bit of sound.

Silence. Peace. Tranquility. Comfy. Yeah, study!

Now, I feel better.

P/s: Met some non-stop talkers in library today.

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