Thursday, December 29, 2005

ANgelic side

Sometimes, we're frustrated by something that done by somebody. That time being, we just feel like scold them on their face(s). But it's just a thought afterall.

Nevertheless, come to think about it, i think the best way to not frustrated ourself too much would be -- try to think of the angelic side of them, and of the goodness that they have done to you or others. Then, we will feel better and have a feeling that they are not that bad at all.

But, if you couldn't think of the goodness they've ever done, try to search through other people. If still none, then i don't think they will be in your thoughts any more, no?

There's a saying in Chinese which means something like this ---- learn the goodnesses of others, and treat their weaknesses as an alarm for you not to do anything similar.

Well, try to look in different perspectives, we'll see a more beautiful world, and soul :)


Lynn Green said...

As Mark Twain once said, "Man was created a little lower than the angels, and he's been getting a little lower ever since."

Florinna said...

Human is incomparable with angels. There's a big gap in between. Else, human will be perfect. It's just the goodness in human that symbolizes an angelic act. But, human are still imperfect.