Monday, December 26, 2005

Christmas 2003-2004-2005

Merry merry Christmas to all!

Christmas 2003 @ KLCC [L-R: Yeejen , Swee Won , me]

Christmas 2004 @ KLCC [me & Hanni]

Christmas 2005 @ KLCC [me :D]

So, we "unintentionally" took photos with the 33metres almighty Christmas tree in KLCC as background for 3 years straight! :O

I really feel time flies from the tip of my fingers without me noticing it. It's been 3 years! Not a short period. I've even turned from the 18 green-apple age to the i-can-vote-legally age. You get me don't you?

Oh gosh, i feel so old :(

Well, the 3 photos are just for you to make some comparison when you're bored.

Do you noticed that the Christmas tree's decoration are the same for year 2003 & 2004? It's in purple color. Whereas year 2005 is the elegant shiny golden decoration. I like it.

Btw, do you noticed also that my shirt for year 2003 & 2005 are the same? *blush* It's an coincidence OK!! Coz i didn't expect to take picture in KLCC initially. Do you believe me? I hope you do.

I still have 2 or 3 posts in mind. SO do wait for the updates. Cheers!

Happy New Year peeps!

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